Unit 1-5 Lesson Blogs
Lesson Notes + Tangibles
- Table of Scores
- Unit 1: Primitives
- Unit 2: Objects
- Unit 3: Boolean
- Unit 4: Iteration
- Unit 5: Writing Classes
- Unit 6: Arrays
- Reflection
Unit 1: Primitives
- Java provides
wrapper classes
for all primitive data types like char, int, double, boolean where you can call in static methods that return values - Primitive wrapper objects or string objects are immutable so the methods can't change
- Boolean, char, int, float, double are all primitive data types
- String, Array, etc. are non-primitive data types
String class
are unable to be changed - Learned to declare a variable that can be accessible and/or changed
- Learned how to store data as variables
- (=) is used to initialize variables or change its associated value
- Operators are + - * / %
- Compound operators are +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
- Increment/decrement ++ or --
public class Integer103
public static void main(String[] args)
int low = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int high = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// creating a class, wrapper classes for int
Unit 2: Objects
- Learned the difference between classes vs. objects
- Classes are blueprints for creating objects
- Objects are instances within a class
- Methods: certain set of code that runs a specific task
- Class attributes are inherited by objects
- Learned about myPainter in Code.org
- Non static methods are dot operators
- Overloaded methods give multiple methods the same name with different signatures
- Void methods don't return values
- Non void methods return a value of the same type defined in the method signature
- Strings are created with String class constructor
- Wrapper class: integer and double class are part of the java.lang package
Comparing numbers and objects
using .equals() -
static methods
are a part of a class instead of an instance of a class which is why it's in a bracket in the class -
class methods
were just like in Code.org lessons -
math classes
are static that directly invoke methods
public class ComparingObjects
public static void main(String[] args)
//creating constructor of the Double class
Double x = new Double(100.50);
//creating constructor of the Long class
Long y = new Long(12345);
//invoking the equals() method
System.out.println("Objects are not equal, hence it's " + x.equals(y));
// comparing objects using .equals()
public class JavaMathExample1
public static void main(String[] args)
double x = 28;
double y = 4;
// return the maximum of two numbers
System.out.println("Maximum number of x and y is: " +Math.max(x, y));
// return the square root of y
System.out.println("Square root of y is: " + Math.sqrt(y));
//returns 28 power of 4 i.e. 28*28*28*28
System.out.println("Power of x and y is: " + Math.pow(x, y));
// return the logarithm of given value
System.out.println("Logarithm of x is: " + Math.log(x));
System.out.println("Logarithm of y is: " + Math.log(y));
// return the logarithm of given value when base is 10
System.out.println("log10 of x is: " + Math.log10(x));
System.out.println("log10 of y is: " + Math.log10(y));
// return the log of x + 1
System.out.println("log1p of x is: " +Math.log1p(x));
// return a power of 2
System.out.println("exp of a is: " +Math.exp(x));
// return (a power of 2)-1
System.out.println("expm1 of a is: " +Math.expm1(x));
Unit 3: Boolean
- Whether boolean expression is true or false dictates whether the code will run
- If-else statements sets up alternate code if the first expression turns false
- Else-if statements allow for more conditions to be defined
- De Morgan's law: logical operators && (and) ll(or) and !(not)
- Comparing objects through ==
Compound boolean expression
check multiple values in a single statement with && - likeDeMorgan's Law
public class Test1
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean cleanedRoom = true;
boolean didHomework = false;
if (cleanedRoom && didHomework)
System.out.println("You can go out");
System.out.println("No, you can't go out");
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Creator: Nighthawk Coding Society
* Mini Lab Name: Hello Series,featuring Monkey Jumpers
* Class for Monkey: a 2D array of Monkey
* As well as method to print the Poem
class Monkey {
//The area between class definition and the 1st method is where we keep data for object in Java
private static ArrayList<String[]> monkeyList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); //2D Array: AP CSA Unit 8: 2D array of strings
private String[] monkeyASCII;
* Constructor initializes a 2D array of Monkey
public Monkey(String[] monkeyASCII) {
this.monkeyASCII = monkeyASCII;
* Loop and print monkey in array
* ... repeat until you reach zero ...
public static void printPoem() {
//begin the poem
System.out.println("Monkey Jumpers Poem in Java with Objects!!!");
// monkey (non-primitive) defined in constructor knows its length
int monkeyCount = monkeyList.size();
for (int i = 1; i <= monkeyCount; i++) //loops through 2D array length forwards
//this print statement shows current count of Monkey
// concatenation (+) of the loop variable and string to form a countdown message
System.out.println(i + " little monkey jumping on the bed...");
//how many separate parts are there in a monkey monkey?
for (int row = 0; row < i; row++) { //cycles through "cells" of 2d array
/*cycles through columns to print
each monkey part by part, will eventually print entire column*/
for (int col = 0; col < monkeyList.get(row).length; col++) {
// prints specific part of the monkey from the column
System.out.print(monkeyList.get(row)[col] + " ");
//this is new line between separate parts
//this new line gives separation between stanza of poem
//countdown for poem, decrementing monkeyCount variable by 1
monkeyCount -= 1;
//out of all the loops, prints finishing messages
System.out.println("Too many monkeys jumping on the bed");
System.out.println(" THE END ");
* A Java Driver/Test method that is the entry point for execution
public static void main(String[] args) {
Monkey monkey0 = new Monkey(new String[]{
"ʕง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ʔ ", //[0][0] eyes
" \\_⏄_/ ", //[0][1] chin
" --0-- ", //[0][2] body
" ⎛ ⎞ " //[0][3] legs
Monkey monkey1 = new Monkey(new String[]{
" ʕ༼ ◕_◕ ༽ʔ", //[1][0]
" \\_⎏_/ ",
" ++1++ ",
" ⌋ ⌊ "
Monkey monkey2 = new Monkey(new String[]{
" ʕ(▀ ⍡ ▀)ʔ", //[2][0]
" \\_⎐_/ ",
" <-2-> ",
" 〈 〉 "
Monkey monkey3 = new Monkey(new String[]{
"ʕ ͡° ͜ʖ ° ͡ʔ", //[3][0]
" \\_⍾_/ ",
" ==3== ",
" _/ \\_ "
Monkey monkey4 = new Monkey(new String[]{
" (◕‿◕✿) ", //[4][0]
" \\_⍾_/ ", //[4][1]
" ==4== ", //[4][2]
" _/ \\_ " //[4][3]
Monkey.printPoem(); //a new monkey list and output in one step
Unit 5: Writing Classes
- Classes are blueprints to create objects and define attributes
- Instances: attributes, constructors, methods, objects
- Public classes: no restricted access - constructors
- Private classes: restricted access - instance variables
Accessor method (getter)
: allows other objects to obtain values of instance variables or static variables - Non void methods return a single value
toString() method
is a overridden method that provides description of a specific object -
Mutator Method (setter)
: void method that changes value of instance variables/static variable
Coming into AP CSA with absolutely no background did make the beginning of the year a little difficult. I remember feeling confused and unsure about a lot of concepts my classmates already knew. However, I soon started finding my rhythm. I began feeling more comfortable asking for help to Mr. M and my peers. I felt like the lessons were important for me to learn and apply the material. I learned the importance of practical application and creating tangible projects. My favorite activity of the year was defining the N@TM project because it was cool to see the intersection of code and Physics.