Middle School Clubs

  • Heavily immersed in Science Olympiad where I explored a bunch of different fields like Anatomy, Experimental Design, Epidemiology, and Thermodynamics
  • I participated in Robotics until 6th grade and then never really tried again until 9th grade

High School Extracurricululars

  • Peer Counseling: Lead and organize activities to foster a safe and inclusive environment on campus
  • Science Olympiad: Continuing to learn more about college level science
  • Del Norte Food Bank Club: Spreading awareness about the hunger crisis
  • WHAT Tutor: Helping underclassmen grow their writing and editing skills
  • NHS Member: Participating in Community Service alongside my peers

Outside of School Activities

  • Research at UCSD
  • Volunteer in community
  • Author
  • Bharatnatyam Classical Dance


  • Organized
  • Leader
  • Good at public speaking