Unit One: Primitive Types

Goal: To learn the fundamentals of Java and other foundational concepts for coding.

Fastpages Notes _notebooks: mostly jupyter files. This allows building block of markdown, python, java, javascript into a jupyter notebook. _posts: markdown .md files. This supports frontend web design with markdown, html, and javascript. _word: word .docx files. This allows you to save Microsoft or Google documents into a docx format. Saving these directly to _word folder will help streamline steps.

Homepage notes The Home page is sourced by the index.html file. This is the file to personalize and customize your Fastpages home page. BTW, index.html is the standard name for your web sites landing page.

Primitive Notes The primitive data types in Java are: boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double. For each primitive data type, Java provides a wrapper class that allows the data to be represented as objects. The corresponding wrapper classes are: Boolean, Byte, Character, Short, Integer, Long, Float, and Double. The output is key to formatting and combining data Wrapper Classes are non-primitive data type that do not require declaration. Collegeboard provides the example of String – they are capitalized unlike primitives

Unit Two: Using Objects

Goal: Explore reference data in order to represent real-world objects in a digital world and discover methods to initiate more complex operations

Unit Three: Boolean Expressions and if Statements

Goal: Dive into the building blocks of algorithms and use conditional statements to solve problems and have control over your results

Unit Four: Iteration

Goal: Learn about iteration which is used for repetition in algorithms

Unit Five: Writing Clauses

Goal: Explore real-world interactions that can be expressed through code by organizing behaviors and attribites into classes – also learn about the legal and ethical implications of programming

Unit Six: Array

Goal: Learn techniques and standard algorithms to work with collections of data structures

Unit Seven: ArrayList

Goal: Delve into data setts, exploring ArrayList objects for larger amounts of data, as well as the privacy concerns for your personal data storage

Unit Eight: 2D Array

Goal: Experiment with data sets represented in a table

Unit Nine: Inheritance

Goal: Manipulate programming without altering original code by using subclasses to create a hierarchy

Unit Ten: Recurision

Goal: Solve larger problems by solving small versions of the same problems using recursive methods